M.Th., PhD, C.Ht., M.C.P.L.T, CCT, Bio-Well Trainer, International speaker
Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, M.Th., C.Ht., M.C.P.L.T, CCT. Ordained Minister in the All Faiths Church of Spirituality and Health Masters in Theology in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Counseling Clinical Hypnotherapist Master Clinical Past Life Therapist Certified Clinical Thermographer Tiffany is a clinician and researcher of subtle energy, biofield therapies and energy psychology. With her wide use of various subtle energy devices along with her spiritual and intuitive guidance, she serves as an integrative practitioner working alongside medical doctors, naturopaths, osteopaths and allied professionals. She received her Masters of Theology in Energy Medicine with special emphasis in Medical and Spiritual Counseling from Holos University Graduate Seminary and was personally mentored by the school’s founders, Drs. C. Norman Shealy and Caroline Myss. Her novel thesis topic earned her honors and recognition amongst peers and scholars who equally desire the reunion of Science and Spirit.