M. Sc. in technical physics, GM at Bio-Well Co. (EU), CEO at AVD company (Russia)
Dmitry V. Orlov is Master of sciences in technical physics (Saint-Petersburg State Technical University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics – Department of laser technique and laser technologies). General manager at Bio-Well company that produces Bio-Well devices and software. Founder and general director of AVD Company – studies of human ecology and living space ecology (geopathic stress analysis) and their interconnection. AVD Company is an official representative of Kirlionics Technologies International Ltd. Сompany (producer of electrophotonic imaging/ gas discharge visualization (EPI/GDV) devices and software).
More than 20 papers published in different journals and international conferences thesis, 7 author tutorials in EPI/GDV written and 1 of them published in Russian and English (2009).
Winner of Jacques Benveniste Award (Association Jacques Benveniste pour la recherché, 2009) for development of methodology of space and water measurements with the use of EPI/GDV technology.
Three years in a row has won State Grant of Saint-Petersburg Government (Russia) for the work with EPI/GDV technologies – study of the ultra-weak influences on water.
Dmitry works with professor Korotkov on the development of measurements of environmental objects (water, different liquids, bio-objects, materials) and space.
In 2010 has won the grant from Washington University to participate in the international conference in Vermont, USA, and present data about measurements of water and space with EPI/GDV technique.
Has conducted training seminars, presented EPI/GDV technology, took part in the international conferences worldwide: Czech Republic, Cuba, Germany, India, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, Brazil, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Australia.
Dmitry has developed and written a standard procedure of establishing experiments with people and environmental objects studies with EPI/GDV technology. Methodology guide is published in Russian and English.
Together with prof. Korotkov and KTI Company has developed technology of space measurements using EPI/GDV method and constructed new type of sensor “GDV Sputnik” and new device “GDV Eco-Tester”. Dmitry has developed a unique methodology for assessment of the activity (energy) of the space (geopathic zones, geaoctive zones, abnormal zones).
Passed all education steps concerning assessment of human’s body state with EPI/GDV technique. Dmitry is a certified specialist in EPI/GDV technologies and is officially acknowledged to conduct seminars, train people and give them official certificates of EPI/GDV users.
He is taking part in development of Bio-Well system – EPI/GDV device that works with a cloud based software. Bio-Well system is a new era of integration western and eastern approaches to the human body and health assessment.